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Lengthy cargo

Lengthy cargo

طرح لمنتج ・ 7 مارس 2016 اقرأ المزيد Open In New icon

Lengthy cargo is the cargo, whose length is greater than 20 meters or cargo, which stands for rear car point, on which it is transported, more than 2 meter. As a rule, such cargo, cannot be decomposed into smaller sections for technical reasons. Coal demand for the transportation of cargos is constantly. Special machinery, building concrete structures, Rails, large equipment, pipes of different diameters-this is an incomplete list of oversized cargo, movements of which we are. Despite vostrebovatel′nost′, transportation of cargos difficult logistic task, as for the company's carrier, and for owners. For example, let's consider a non-exhaustive list of work for the Organization of each carriage:

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