ANTARTE - Design for life


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Venice Biennale has the signature of Siza Vieira and Antarte

Venice Biennale has the signature of Siza Vieira and Antarte

المشاركة في حدث ・ 24 ماي 2023 اقرأ المزيد Open In New icon

The Vatican's presence at the next Venice Biennale will have a Portuguese signature. Cardinal D. José Tolentino de Mendonça, commissioner of the Vatican Pavilion at the prestigious art and culture fair, invited architect Siza Vieira, 1992 Pritzker Prize winner, and Antarte, to create an art installation to be exhibited in the Vatican pavilion, in the Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore. Under the theme ' Encounter ', Siza Vieira designed an installation of 12 sculptures representing people. They are figures that approach each other, greet each other, and shake hands. The sculptures were produced by Antarte, which used sustainable raw materials, cryptomeria wood from Azores, an option in line with the sustainability policy of the Portuguese furniture brand.The choice of people statues is related to the theme of meeting in a time of so many disagreements. The statues will be placed as if they were waiting for the public to enter the Vatican Pavilion to lead them into the garden.

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